This is an unmissable event as the end of the year festivities approach for winter fans. town. Last year we received a visit from Santa Claus in a blue house (Set 10293). This year we are staying downtown on Main Street to prepare the final purchases before Christmas. This year’s set is made up of…
Lunacy Wheels
Welcome, welcome, to the most magnificent stunt show of the world: Lunacy Wheels!
Artist Spotlight: archiminibricks
Every month, we pick a LEGO photographer active in our community and share some of their work and a little about themselves. This month we moved to Poland to meet archiminibricks
It runs in the family
Once in a while we ask to a member of our community to tell us a story based around a set among a small selection. This time we asked to Photomark6 to share a photo essay featuring the City’s set 60347: Grocery Store and here’s what happened. The story The grocery store is an institution…
Review: IDEAS Motorised Lighthouse 21335
The 43rd project from LEGO Ideas is now here, the motorized lighthouse. The lighthouse has a motor, two lamps and a lens with which the rotating light and a small fireplace in the cottage are realized. The set will be released on 1st of September at a price of 299,99€. The sets were generously provided by…
Review: Collectible Minifigure Series 23 71304
Disclaimer: I received from LEGO the latest series of collectible minifigures for review for BrickCentral. This series will be released on September 1st, it is made up of more than half by figurines who have a costume (it reminds me of series 18), including some on the theme of the end of the year celebrations,…
Artist Spotlight: John Reiley
Every month, we pick a LEGO photographer active in our community and share some of their work and a little about themselves. This month we moved to USA to meet johnreiley_!
Tumblr Quick Start Guide for Instagram Photographers
Instagram has always been problematic for photographers, but now it’s downright hostile. Tumblr, on the other hand, not only welcomes images, they love fandoms. LEGO toy photography is a perfect fit! Since most of our community is on Instagram, I’ve cooked up a quick start guide to help you get started on Tumblr using the…
Review: Galaxy Explorer 10497
Lego celebrates their 90th anniversary this year and the Galaxy Explorer is one of the classic sets that Lego have made a re-imagined version of. This new Galaxy explorer is based on the Galaxy explorer from 1979, also known as Space Cruiser And Moonbase. To many AFOLs, the 1979 Galaxy explorer is the most iconic…