About BrickCentral

BrickCentral is an online LEGO photography community. We motivate people to take photos of LEGO minifigures and sets with our monthly creative prompts, share inspiring photos from the community, give tips about how to shoot creatively, and post in-depth looks behind the scenes at how top LEGO photographers work.

BrickCentral was founded in 2013 as an Instagram feature account but has grown into a community of LEGO photographers. It’s run by a team of LEGO photographers, some of whom have shot material for The LEGO Group’s social media accounts.

Each month, we motivate the community with creative prompts, share tips from the mods on how they shoot creatively, publish in-depth looks behind-the-scenes at how top LEGO photographers work, highlight photographers’ profiles, feature photos from the community, and post reviews with BTS.

Our Instagram account is a gallery full of work created by the community and all of our in-house content: tips, creative prompts, artist highlights, reviews, and BTS.

Our Discord server is a great place to learn how to take great photos of these four-brick-tall toys and hang out with other LEGO photographers.