Using Camera Angles

Let’s talk a little bit about using camera angles in photography. This subject isn’t new at BrickCentral. Recently (August 2021) we had the monthly challenge #bc_pov (from @Nocturnelle9) which refers to a camera angle “Point of View”. In July 2020, @Foolishbricks talked about this in one of his tips. I strongly recommend revisiting these. While…

How to Use Fog, Mist and Haze to Improve your LEGO Pictures

This month we will be looking at particles and particle effects that are in the air. Everyone knows it, light rays shining through leaves, sun rays through windows, the fog hanging in the valley, etc. All these effects can add depth to an image, convey a mood or just make it look epic. But how can you recreate such effects for your LEGO photos without artificially adding them through image editing? That’s what I’m going to explain to you this month.

How to make your LEGO sets fly

This month I will give you some tips on how to make large LEGO sets appear to be flying in your pictures. And no, I am not talking about “using the Force” (though as a Star Wars fan, it was somehow tempting.) You might remember some time ago that @y.badiner brilliantly showed us how to…

Outdoor LEGO Photography Tips

This month I will share some of the things I’ve learned, often through trial and error, about photographing lego outdoors, all year round, in all weather. Finding a spot to shoot in First things first, you need to find a place where to take your picture. There are different approaches you can take to this,…

Supporting Elements in LEGO Photography

This month, I’d like to talk about how to bring static LEGO scenes to life. How to make your minifigures and parts fly, float, and fall convincingly in frame by using supporting elements. There are several methods for fixing the parts and making it unnoticeable for the viewer. This is what the September tips will…

How to make clouds

Few tips to build some clouds to make the sky awesome in your LEGO photo!

How to use Light Painting in LEGO Photography

Once more the discussion on the Brickcentral Discord server about a topic lead me to write something about some tips and tricks and how to use them in LEGO photography. This time the topic is light painting. You could call photography itself painting with light, but the term “light painting” refers to a technique where…

Shooting LEGO in Water

Recently I was involved in a discussion on Brickcentral’s Discord server about techniques to shoot LEGO models or minifigures with real water and how to get nice water effects like colour and reflections. I was invited to share my tips here. Before I start, here is a big caution and disclaimer: Be very careful when…

LEGO 10280 Botanical Collection – OhSomeBrick Review

Set 10280 Botanical Collection is an adult oriented floral build that is a bit of a departure from the sets LEGO typically releases. LEGO & Brickcentral provided Ohsomebrick & SarouxBastoux with the set so they could review and shoot it for us. Spoilers, they both liked it! However, they have different things to say about…