Review: IDEAS Motorised Lighthouse 21335

The 43rd project from LEGO Ideas is now here, the motorized lighthouse. The lighthouse has a motor, two lamps and a lens with which the rotating light and a small fireplace in the cottage are realized. The set will be released on 1st of September at a price of 299,99€. The sets were generously provided by…

Review: Collectible Minifigure Series 23 71304

Disclaimer: I received from LEGO the latest series of collectible minifigures for review for BrickCentral. This series will be released on September 1st, it is made up of more than half by figurines who have a costume (it reminds me of series 18), including some on the theme of the end of the year celebrations,…

Review: 31132 Creator-3-in-1 Viking Ship

The wait is over, time to set sail and discover new things! It’s finally time. After pirates and knights found their way back into the Creator 3-in-1 theme series in recent years, this year it’s the turn of the Vikings. With this set, a Viking ship will be released on June 1, 2022, which is…

Review: Dr. Jane Goodall Tribute 40530

The LEGO Dr. Jane Goodall Tribute 40530 set will be available as a Gift with Purchase (GWP) to celebrate International Women’s Day 2022 for all qualifying purchases over $120 / €120 / £120 from March 3rd –15th 2022. The sets were generously provided by LEGO for review on BrickCentral, but the opinions are my own….

Review: LEGO Harry Potter  76396, 76397, 76398 and 76399

Harry Potter is back this year with a new wave of sets, something to delight all sorcerer’s apprentices. Two new books, two new teachings at Hogwarts, after the success of the previous four books (76382, 76383, 76384 and 76385), the AFOLs will be delighted to add two to their collections. Since the Harry Potter range…

Review: Collectible Minifigure Series 22 71032

LEGO sent me the latest Collectible Minifigures series to review for Brickcentral and this one should be especially exciting for medieval fantasy fans like myself with characters such as a Snow Guardian, a Night Protector, an Acorn Kid (Forest Elf), and a Troubadour comprising a third of the new minifigs. You did the math (of…

Review: Hogwarts Gryffindor Dorms 40452

Hogwarts Gryffindor Dorms 40452 will be available as a Gift with Purchase of Harry Potter purchases over $100/€100/£100 between October 25th and November 7th. The Build The dorms are built in the same way as the other modular Harry Potter sets this year, so this can go right in with those sets. The build is…