Collaborative Storytelling: The Crystal Quest

Here we are again with a collaborative storytelling, but in a new format. Usually, we used to form a group of people who were assigned the same set and had to structure a story in 10 images. This time, we formed a group of photographers who had to choose sets from a selection belonging to…

Collaborative storytelling: Take me to the moon

Here we are again with a collaborative storytelling! We’ve reached out to a group of talented LEGO photographers in our community to weave for us a visual narrative around one set. This time, we invited four Italian photographers @priovit70, @ilcarota, @brick_point_of_view, and @zen_bricks to pick a set from the LEGO store, with some constraints, and…

Collaborative Storytelling: Winnie and the French Photographers

Back in mid-April, we invited 4 LEGO photographers to work together to create a visual story around one LEGO set of their choosing. We have always been impressed with the monthly theme and contest entries from @sarouxbastoux, @monsieur.kek, @laurent_delcroix, and @shankrasonic so we wanted to challenge them in a different way. Here’s how they did…