Easter Bunny House 853990 Review

Ah, signs of spring are showing here in New York and so I’ve brought out the Easter Bunny House for a creative review. (LEGO sent this set for review purposes but all opinions are mine.)

I really like this set for LEGO photography because for just $7.99, you get an interesting subject to shoot and objects for scenery or interaction.

Sure, it costs a little more than a CMF blind bag but look what’s inside this little box: a female Easter Bunny minifigure, a chicken, a scooter in medium azure, a carrot, and a few buildables — a chicken coop, a tray of eggs, and plants.

These can be used to create photos with foreground interest, eyelines, balance or any of the other composition principles of photography.


The minifigure looks to be the female counterpart to the Easter Bunny Hut GWP from March 2018. She’s got a pleasant expression with some white whiskers and a little gap between her teeth.

Chicken Coop

The chicken coop is a nice little build with a playable feature in the back. There’s a little door you can open to collect eggs laid by the hen.

Scooter with Eggs

This scooter in medium azure has appeared in a modular and two Friends sets so far — Corner Garage, Heartlake City Restaurant, and Ice Cream Cart — so it’s nice to be able to get it in this small seasonal set too.

The headlight is a broken egg, which is fun but also cruel: I mean, the mom is right there. This is a great prompt for a good story though!

The 7 eggs (6 on the tray and 1 in the coop) are white bulb elements rather than the egg element, but this makes sense for this set. The tray is a 2×3 plate with 3 1×2 rounded plates with open studs arranged in rows on top.

Balancing a minifig holding a tray full of eggs is tricky but doable:

The egg tray does obscure the minifig quite a bit so getting the right position and camera angle is also a challenge.


Included with this set are a little plant structure and the erroneous carrot. Fun fact: Carrots are terrible for rabbits but apparently, years of watching Bugs Bunny has cemented the idea in our heads that they’re great.

Overall Impression

I think this set is really cute and good value for money. At $7.99, you get an exclusive minifigure, a pretty uncommon scooter and a nice chicken coop build.

For LEGO photography, it’s got a lot in there to tell some fun stories and create interesting compositions.

I’m already imagining a rescue mission with the mother hen taking off with the scooter and her eggs. Or maybe the Easter Bunny opens the back of the chicken coop to find a mysterious note.

What stories would you shoot?

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