Review: LEGO Creator 31154 Forest Animals: Red Fox

I find myself appreciating more and more the wildlife sets that Lego is offering at the moment, because they offer a quite different and refreshing photographic approach. You take a new look at the shooting locations, at nature in short.

So when Lego and Brickcentral asked me to take photos of the set 31154 Forest Animals, I immediately jumped at the chance and I thank them for this opportunity.

Disclaimer: The LEGO Group sent this to me via BrickCentral for a photoshoot, but all opinions in this review are my own.

The Fox

It’s probably the one you’ve seen the most in photos and this can be explained by its aesthetic success. In addition to being articulated at the head, neck, legs, and tail, you can build a wooden stump and a small pine tree to accompany it, also reclining. It all adds up to a very photogenic ensemble.

It’s sturdy enough to take him to stretch his legs in the forest. As you can see, the joints give it several pose possibilities. A small downside however regarding the front legs which I find too “stiff” or perhaps too long but it’s really a slight detail.

The Owl

The second animal to be scrutinized by my lens is the owl. As far as it is concerned, apart from the head which offers a rotation, the rest is a little too static. The wings barely move back and forth and the tip of the tail may be tilted slightly.

The tree that accompanies it and which serves as a support is a good idea, but again I find the result average.

But despite everything, I find the result convincing in terms of visual aspect. The owl is a success when it is highlighted because we perfectly find the details of the plumage which makes the particularity of owls thanks to the succession of plates. It was a real pleasure to take a photo of it.

The Squirrel

The third model offered is a squirrel and to be honest, it was the most anticipated at home. I couldn’t wait to put it together and take it for a ride. Aesthetically, the result is convincing and even stunning. The tail is superbly modeled and articulated in two parts giving it fun mobility.

In terms of design, it is also the strongest. With the owl, we tend to easily lose the claws when handling it, while the fox suffers from too flexible joints on the back legs. The squirrel is the only one that has never broken despite being transported in a bag and in a box. It may be a detail but for me it matters a lot, when I go out to photograph I don’t necessarily want to have to reassemble the set which cannot withstand transport.


In conclusion, I quite enjoyed this set. The three animals are overall quite successful and they offer a significant variety depending on what you like. No matter which one you choose, you will not be disappointed and it will find a place in your collection.

If you want to get started in outdoor photography, this is a company that I recommend since it offers a fairly wide range of potential spots. If you already do it, I also recommend it, you won’t be disoriented.

For my part, he will stay in the squirrel configuration, he is so cute with his little acorn.

The Forest Animals: Red Fox 31154 set is available on and other stores for €49.99 or $49.99.

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